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Mrs. Irma Sanchez To All Instructors

I am a wife of 14 years, a mom to two blessings, 10 year old boy and 4 year old girl. After High School, I attended a 9 month business school and received my diploma in Office Automation/Data Entry. I worked at IBM for about 10 years then was laid off. I have been a stay at home mom since 2007 when my son was born. I have been homeschooling since 2014 when my son was 7 years old in the 2nd grade and my daughter was just 1 year old. We are a musically inclined family .. my husband and I are salsa dance instructors and teach at Agape Arts Center. My son loves drums and has been taking lessons. My daughter loves dance - she takes ballet/tap classes at Agape Arts Center. We are a loving family, believers in Jesus Christ, showing our kids there is only one way and one mediator between man and God.

Current Classes
Latin Combination Class (ages 9+) – (open)