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Agape FaithWorks 2023-2024 Covenant of Cooperation

indicates a required answer

1. *


Members joining the FaithWorks Co-op are required to fulfill various cooperative roles in order to participate in this aspect of the ministry.

Please select from 1 of the items below to indicate your cooperative role during the academic school year. 

  • Full Time Administrator  27+ weeks providing support to the organization in various ways including but not limited to bookkeeping, communications, scheduling, data entry, etc..

           **Full Time Administrators are eligible for Early Enrollment**

  • Approved Instructor  27 week teaching commitment.

            **Approved Instructors are eligible for Early Enrollment**

  • DROP OFF FAMILIES - Part-Time Maintenance Team Member - 10 week commitment for clean-up team. (required for parents intending to drop off on a weekly basis)


Full-Time Administrator Approved Instructor
Part-Time Maintenance Team (drop off family) Not a Co-op Participating Family
2. *

Full Name:

3. *

Date of acceptance: 

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